Monday, April 21

Mission Unfathomable: SSA2219 Exam

Note: Unfathomable means difficult to understand

I am a man on a mission
To ace my SSA2219 final examination.
(Despite my pathetic project evaluation)

The rules are non-negotiable
Three questions, two hours and one last chance
Hold your seats, here comes the unfathomable

Each question average at forty minutes
And Dr Rai asks for four pages at least
In each of those short forty minutes.

Excluding 5 minutes for thinking
I have 9 minutes for one page
Perfectly reasonable planning

"So what's unfathomable?" you said
"Oh," I would say
"It's just that TWO PAGES IS MY MAX!!!"

Teach me how to 'smoke' two more pages per questions
And how to disguise my ignorance in fancy words.
So that I can manage this Unfathomable Mission.

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