Tuesday, February 5

An Idea Charity

Just a fleeting thought while I'm in NUS Central Library.

I have been doing some writing for USOS when I tried to briefly describe Latiff's role in two words. Amazingly, the words 'idea charity' came to my mind. Of course the words are not used to describe the him, he is last person I know who needs an idea charity.

My idea of an idea charity is a place, forum, wiki, social network where people can really brainstorm ideas for other's people problems. They can even give crazy ideas and non practical idea for hypothetical problems. It is really user-contributed CONTENT, not overflowing with politically correct replies and putting down of ideas.

Yahoo Answers is an example of the idea charity in mind, I will gladly accept homework questions from secondary to post-grad level, but i figure it would notbe as popular as Yahoo Answers, haha. Anyway, there are more useful technical forums and websites out there.

Just some rambling from a guy dying from boredom while reading South Asian Diaspora in his school. Hopefully I will see a perfect example of the idea charity I have in my mind.

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